Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"I really hope you don't feel ALL of those contractions"

I guess I'm joining the crowd of Wednesday OB appointments. 36 week appointment will be tomorrow at 1130. I feel like I have been having contractions for a million years but really it's only been since Christmas Eve that they have really been bothering me. I completely understand, this is my second child. I will have Braxton Hicks contractions. They don't hurt. These ones make me sit down if I'm standing. They aren't enough to go up to L and D, obviously, but on the other hand they hurrrrrrrt. I'm also pretty sure everyone who reads this knows how many tattoos I have and how big they are. I have a very high pain tolerance. So I am no bitch that whines with the best of them when the baby just moves slightly to the right.

There are so many people I know that are pregnant or just had a baby within the last 6-8 months. Can anyone tell me if there is anything I can do about my hips hurting? I'm not talking a small ache...I'm talking I can't get off the couch without very slow moving help. Wearing pants hurts. Weird, I know. Getting out of bed is awful. And don't even tell me to squat, lift up a leg to get it into my pants, or anything of hip spreading nature because you will promptly get my middle finger. LOL Tylenol has been my best friend for 3 weeks. Even that doesn't help anymore. I'm going to ask Dr. Farhat tomorrow what I can do but I really don't like asking him anything. He makes me feel like one of those "Complain about everything" preggo girls that he just rolls his eyes at. Is that his demeanor or am I really emotional? haha. I would probably guess a bit of both. Anyway, I called his office today because I had two days of light spotting and some pretty wicked contractions along with it. I asked to speak to Lisa, his nurse, but the appointment setter asked my symptoms and told me GO TO L&D NOW. Wtf. I then called up there and asked if I really had to come...guess if your OB's office staff tells you yes, the nurses can't tell you no. Needless to say I spend 2 hours up there today, hanging out with Beth my nurse. She ever so nicely asked me if I was feeling all the contractions I was having. She was probably scared I may bite her head off at that question. Yes, I feel about 98% of them. Hence the reason my body hurts so bad. But I guess anybody's would if they were having 25 second contractions every 15-20 minutes all day. She told me I was a trooper, which made my trip to Allegiance worth it. (Said very sarcastically)

So......bust out the drum roll please.....Jeff and MacKenzie have decided on a name. This name will be used as long as our little dude looks like the one we chose. If not, we have a back up that we like almost as much. Ian James Smith you will be evicted ~with love~ in 30 days at the latest. Your momma would really like you to come soon because she can't WAIT to have a snuggly baby, a loving big sister, her cute shirts she bought at Birch Run, stilettos, Buckle Jeans, the tanner, and the gym membership her husband is oh-so-lovingly getting for her ASAP.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

I love the name! Jocelyn Fae and Ian James are perfect together!!