Monday, January 5, 2009


I vow to consistantly blog this year. I can do it. I know I can. I just get discouraged sometimes reading everyone else's blogs and saying "Wow that was really awesome. My life sounds so boring when I post on my blog." But it's not going to get me down this time. I know once the still nameless baby boy gets here I will be posting pictures and little things that are happening.

I tried my share of scrapbooking, if I had endless amounts of money for it and took better than normal pictures I'm sure I would be more gun-ho. But I don't....and I'm not. I was thinking about getting one of the leather bound photo books done at Meijer. My friend did one for his tattoo work portfolio and they are really nice looking. Then for each picture if I wanted to write a comment or something I could. Because Lord knows I have a million pictures on my computer of Jocelyn and having them in book form would be really nice....just not nice enough to scrapbook myself.

So, I'm making blogging my hobby. Along with working out as SOON as I'm allowed. Now I just need to make an effort to become more than acquaintances with girls that I know, go on "dates" again with Jeff (movies at home don't count anymore!), and get Jocelyn potty trained. That will make 2009 a great year.


heather said...

Happy New Year MacKenzie!

Leslie Collins said...

Happy New Year! I cannot believe you are almost done with your pregnancy. I hope you are feeling okay. Jocelyn's new room looks cute. :)