Sunday, January 25, 2009

Preparing for Ian

Wow I am totally being a slacker. Go figure, this is the end of my first week with Jocelyn in daycare fulltime and I didn't blog once. I've been super busy running around last minute for things for Ian, paying bills ahead of time, filing our taxes, grocery shopping, etc. I am so ready for him to be here. I have prepared in every way possible. Besides coming to grips that Ian is going to be full term or only 1 week early and I'm kinda nervous about having most likely around a 7lb baby vs. a 4 lb baby. I know I can do it, women have 9 and 10lb babies, but seriously I'm still nervous. And being induced vs. most likely going into labor on my own is a whole new experience also. Everything happens twice as fast supposedly with the second child...but that still means I have 9 hours of labor to get to the hospital and have an epidural. LOL Oh BTW how come nobody told me that Braxton Hicks contractions can last all day and be 5 minutes apart and painful? Oh my dear lord. The other day was pretty hellatious here in the Smith Household.

It went as follows: I had contractions all day starting around 3am about 20 mins apart-uncomfortable enough to wake me up from a dead sleep.

Around 12pm they were about 5-10 minutes apart-some huuuuuurt and some were just annoying.

12pm-6pm they were every 3-5 minutes and quite painful but still only a 4 or 5 on the pain scale. The entire time Jeff is like "Just go in, the worse they can do is send you home." My answer, "My fat ass isn't moving off the couch til my water breaks. Screw L&D."

I decided if they got stronger I would go in obviously but I really really really didn't want to sit up there w/ false labor for 2 hours when I could be at home.
7pm - I'm going to eat dinner and drink a crap ton of water and rest. If they don't stop I'll go. Didn't stop.
8pm- I'm going to take a long shower (I don't do bath's) and if they don't stop I'll go in. Didn't stop.
9pm- I'm going to try to fall asleep and if I do I'm not going in. 3am-9pm of contractions did me in and I slept like a baby because I was so exhausted.

All I have to say is I give you girls big props for making it to full-term. 38 weeks is so different than just going to 34 weeks. I had it way too easy the first time. Well, enough baby making talk.

I'm really excited for next Sunday. Yay Superbowl! My friend, Jaime, and I have decided to spoil our men with our fantastic cooking abilities along with about 10 other guys that are invited over to her boyfriends house. I really like entertaining people and barely ever get to do it. Screw the game...I just wanna make food, clean, and setup for the party. If Ian arrives before Sunday, he'll be sporting a handmade puffy paint Steelers onsie...and if not I told Jeff I was going to paint my belly along with my face in Steelers colors just to embarrass the shit outta him. HAHA I'm kidding on that though. It would be priceless to see his reaction but I don't think I can muster up the courage to let Ian's home hang out, painted and all, for everyone to see.

A bit of drama on the workfront...since I don't work at all for these next two dad has requested that I am left at home without a vehicle. Reason: The business is very bad and my Durango is old (aka been on the lot for too long) so Jeff has to drive it in everyday and if I want to run errands I have to get up, get ready, get Jocelyn ready, and go in at 9am. Then if he wants to come home for lunch, pick him up...then get out at 530 to get him from work...then get Jocelyn...then come home. I really don't see the point of not letting me keep the Durango at home. It's gone all day with me anyway. Granted I don't run errands every day but still...the whole reason behind me stopping work (besides the fact my legs swell so bad sitting in my desk chair) was to ELIMINATE running around. And stress. And worry of OMG am I going to be late getting Jocelyn? Where is my appointment today? It's rediculous. We don't have the money to go out and buy a vehicle. And my dad has this brilliant idea of OUR TAX REFUND MONEY buying me a beater car (I'm talking like a 93 Toyota with 1xx,xxx miles, pray to God everytime you try to start it). WTF. So, Jeff and I are left with only 1 car until we figure out something. Thank God we are both in good standing with CP Federal and they are starting a car leasing program. Basically, instead of having a loan on a 9k would have payments for 24 months on the difference between CP's trade in value on the car say it was 5K and the asking price at my dad's dealership...9K. So you would have a 4K loan payment vs. a 9k loan payment. Then at the end of 24 months you would either give the car back or have the option to buy it outright. CP is sending someone over this week to explain and set it up. Jeff and I are thinking we'll be the first to try it out. And if I have my own car that means I can find a job elsewhere (like a big car dealership) where I would be making what I deserve in Payroll/Accounts Receivable (around 17-22 an hr vs 10) with benefits/401k/vacation time. I've been offered a few jobs but since I'm pregnant I've turned them down. Plus I have 6 months still left of my "maternity leave" at the why not use it up? :)

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