Thursday, January 15, 2009

I live at the hospital...

Or so it feels like. Update today: my blood pressure is still high. But down from yesterday. My legs look like tree trunks and I'm spilling some protein. "But not enough to be worried about",according to Dr. Farhat. But it was enough to go in for a NST. Which Ian and I passed with flying colors b/c he is a super active baby and loooooves to raise his heart rate up. I was done in like 10 minutes. Go figure all last night I was having crazy contractions (damn those 36 week cultures) and then at the hospital today I didn't have one even blip of a Braxton Hicks while I was there. haha. Anyway, I get to go back to see Dr. Farhat tomorrow afternoon for one more blood pressure check and protein check.

I've gotta say, I'm quite fed up with this whole on a daily basis waiting game, go to Allegiance (which BTW HAS NO PARKING WHATSOEVER), then come back home to just go back again the next day. Either let me wait at home in peace or induce me already. Sheesh. 36 weeks and 4 days is plenty long enough to cook my child. NICU babies just sleep all the time when they come home. Believe me, another angel like Jocelyn would be greatly appreciated on my behalf. :)

P.S. Jeff painted her room and I hung her fishies up. So I will take pictures tonight when I get home and post them up.

1 comment:

Leslie Collins said...

Hope that you are able to stay comfortable until the baby arrives. It's hard at the end. Try and hang in there.

And yes, they're parking stinks! hahah. :)