Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I need help finding my mind...

I've completely lost it. My class at Baker starts tomorrow. Please send good vibes my way, I always get really nervous before they start for some reason. It's not like it's anything hard, just ENG102, but I have a feeling we will be writing and writing and writing some more. And I'm very pregnant. Plus it doesn't end until after Ian will be born. That is why I said "I've lost my mind." As if I won't be busy enough giving birth and having a 2 year old and a newborn. Let's tack on a college course!

In other news, here is my OB appointment update. My blood work is normal. I gained a pound this week. My feet are swollen. Ian is a very healthy boy, bpm is 151 and he is always on the move. Oh and my belly is large, go figure.

Today I went to Penney's and had my hair cut. I haven't had a haircut in like 9 months so it was all grown out in a weird way. It's nice to have it back in a style, on an angle and layered like usual. I think I will try something more daring after I have Ian. But right now my face is slightly chubbier than usual so I don't want a face faming/shorter cut and be all weepy because my "face looks fat" (I know everyone is laughing and nodding in agreement of how you've been in my situation too, haha)


Emilie said...

That's awesome that you are taking a class! I hope it goes well! Do you like getting your haircut at Penny's?? Ive never gone the price reasonable?

jane said...

Wow, you are a brave girl taking a class when you are 9 months preggo. Good for you!!!