Monday, January 5, 2009

36 Weeks on Thursday

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. When I first found out I was pregnant and saw Dr. Farhat for the first time, he told me that he was "shooting for" 36 weeks. That's in 3 days. OMG. I have my 36 week appointment on Wednesday so we'll see what he says. I think the 36 week mark was because I had Jocelyn at 34 weeks and he felt the baby would be quite healthy if I needed to be induced at 36 weeks.

Anyway, he pretty much has me on lock down. I have been seeing him every week since 32 weeks. And I have a weekly blood work session with my favorite ladies at the Diagnostic Center on Spring Arbor Road. So far I haven't had any signs of pre-eclampsia, isn't that strange? I was so swollen and so sick with Jocelyn that I thought for sure this baby was gonna be the same way and I would wake up every morning, check my feet and hands for swelling, step on the scale for a rapid weight gain...but none of it happened. Thank God.

Right now I'm at 135lbs up from 115lbs pre-pregnancy weight. I am all baby, booty, and boobs. LOL I have constant baby feet in my ribs to the point where my ribs are sore 24/7 and he has dropped so my hips hurt just as bad. Other than those two little whines and just feeling overall stuffed to the maximum capacity, I'm doing quite well.

My last day at work was on Friday. It's nice to have a reason to not be there now. Everyone is hurting for money, especially my parents, and that makes people very very unpleasant to see all day long. Work used to be my sanity, don't get me wrong I love being at home with Jocelyn but when you aren't allowed to pick up more than 10lbs, can't get on the floor because if you do manage it you're stuck there, and can't drive because you're down to one car for the family....staying at home sucks. Going to work and having my lunch hour to do whatever/go eat with Jeff and just normal adult conversations was really nice. Now, not so much.

All you out there in blogland, I'm always game to hang out. "Errands" to Target? Sitting at home watching Sprout TV? Let me know! I'll gladly join. I'm very skilled at organizing, decorating, or just doing nothing! Haha So on that note I will leave you with a picture of my cutie pie. And one of my plump self. KIDDING!


Nicole said...

GAH! I weigh the same as you and I'm not 8 months pregnant LOL! Jocelyn is getting so big... her outfit is cute.

Do you have any names picked out for the baby?

LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

You look great MacKenzie!! I wish I was as thin in the face as you are when I was pregnant. Ill have to watch the weight a little more this time around! LOL!!