Monday, April 13, 2009

2 Months Old

Time sure is flying...but maybe that is because everything is going so smoothly! Today Joss, Ian, and I went to see Dr. Williams. I talked Jocelyn up the entire morning and gave her a pep talk on the way there. She is VERY protective of Ian. People she doesn't deem "worthy" of holding Ian get the "NO! DONT TOUCH HIM! He's MYYYY Brother!" I had a feeling that was how our morning was going to start. But surprise surprise...she let Dr. Williams get all of Ian's stats and she only wimpered when Ian had to get 3 shots. I thought I would have to remove her out of the room because she HATES seeing Ian cry. So far at 2 months Ian is:
21" long
11.2 lbs
with a normal sized head (Thank GOD)
holding his head steady
smiling and cooing a ton
sleeping through the night (with one 5am feeding) and most of the day still (usually up for an hour at a time a few times during the day)
eating 6-8oz every 4-6 hours.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Jocelyn ADORES Ian. She has gone from just being curious to whole hearted love for him. It is so cute. Two nights ago Ian woke up at midnight for his feeding. And he goes from sleeping sound to screaming in about 2 minutes. So there is no way to change him, make his bottle, and get it inserted into mouth before he starts crying. As I'm sitting in our room feeding him, I saw a head peek through the door. Jocelyn came in, Ian's pacifier in hand, to "make him happy".

She has now asked to hold him. And she feeds him usually once a day. By herself. She'll peel my fingers off the bottle, demand to hold him, then watches tv while feeding like I it's no big deal for a 2 year old to feed a 1 month old. She is so independent. My little preemie baby is growing up so fast. I'm glad to have Ian otherwise I'd have the baby itch too!

One funny thing she did this morning: Ian is laying on the floor and Jocelyn lays beside him on a blanket which she calls "the beach". She was carrying on a full conversation with Ian while holding his hand.

And she goes "Ian, baby, I love you." Then gives him a kiss and informs me she gave baby Ian "a piss" LOL!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Are 1 month old children supposed to be able to roll back to stomach and stomach to back?

Ian's rolled over about 6 times in the last few weeks. The first time was on the couch, so he was kind of on an incline which would make it easier to roll. But today he was on his belly playing..aka staring at his toys...and all of a sudden I realized he was off his blanket and on his back.

A few times he gets frustrated and starts fussing, flails his legs, and rolls over. But today he was perfectly calm. Isn't that odd?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I'm starting exercising this week more than I was exercising last week. And I'm going to stop putting my eating habits on the back burner to Jocelyn's. I find myself, when I grocery shop, getting everything that Jocelyn wants/needs then just getting whatever for me. My whatever usually includes fruit snacks, chips, mac n cheese, etc. Easy stuff. Ya know...easy to get in your mouth and hell to get off your body weight wise. I buy all fresh fruit, veggies, lunch meat, cheese, etc. for Jocelyn. I like all the same things as she does but I "feel bad" if I eat "her" apples...or "her" tomato slices. I'm going to just start buying double. And putting her food in a section of the fridge that way I know what is hers and what is mine to eat. I'm sure it sounds kinda dumb but I can't put myself before her. I'd rather suffer eating junk than see her eating a crapload of chips and cookies. Eating junk was a lot easier when I was pregnant because I was supposed to gain weight. Now I'm exercising 3 days a week and still gaining weight while trying to watch what I eat. But if I eat healthy I won't eat at all because I don't have healthy food for myself.

So here is my plan: Monday and Tuesday
I will be doing ---
100 reverse crunches
100 jumping jacks
100 leg beats
50 lunges each leg
50 leg lifts each leg
100 sidebends

Wednesday Thursday and Friday
I will be doing---
30 minutes to an hour long brisk walk around the neighborhood.

The reason I'm blogging this besides accountability on my behalf is I'm looking for a partner. A mom. Who can make time to work out even on a schedule. Someone I can count on, on certain days to be ready to walk. Or go to the gym. I used to exercise with my sister when she was at Spring Arbor because she could get me into the gym for free. Now she is at U of M so I'm SOL. I can exercise by myself but it would be nice to have someone to talk to while walking. My biggest issue is Jeff weight trains at Planet Fitness on Mon/Wed/Fri night around 8pm after Jocelyn goes to bed. My workout buddy before my sister was Jimmy. And he is now Jeff's workout buddy since he needs a spotter more than I need someone telling me to run for 10 more minutes.

So here is my schedule: Going to Planet Fitness ($10 a month btw) or an exercise class would have to be Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday during the week it would have to be after 6pm weekend could be any time.

Walking would be Wed/Thurs/Fri during the day anytime.

Going to the gym T and Th night then walking the rest of the week would be ideal.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Import, please.

We need our "own" car. Like right now. Please. I realized this about a month ago, when 3 of my demo's got sold out from under me. Right in a row. In turn, pissing me the F off with a quickness. So, I had to switch over all my stuff and get adjusted to how a different car drives, which takes longer than a few days. These cars were nothing alike either. I went from a Rendezvous, to a jacked up Durango (hilarious to watch very pregnant 5 foot tall girl jump into a beefed up SUV), to a Grand Am. Egh. All in like 40 feet of snow that we got in December and January. I'm trying to be patient. But I'm coming to the end of my patience. Right now I'm driving a 2005 Malibu Maxx aka hatchback. My little family took a trip to Meijer in it. Infant Seat---6 inches max between---Toddler seat---stroller took up whole trunk---groceries had to sit on top of the hatch and on the floor behind our seats AND on my lap. LOL How do people with little cars do this whole having kids thing? And could you imagine me doing that Meijer trip alone? We didn't even get a weeks worth. We got like $100 of groceries/formula/diapers/stuff for Ian/bath toys for Jocelyn. So, it was maybe $30 food. Like I said, we need our own car. I have Jeff looking at Flint Auto Auction and Parma Auction every week. Cross our fingers we can do CPFCU leasing program. If not, maybe my dad can get a good buy on a nice sedan/XUV and let me drive it for oh....6 months of uninterrupted driving would be nice. Ah, I feel better. Enough bitching.

***Yes, I realize I have it made with a free car and all. But put yourself in my shoes, after 9 years of driving a car that isn't mine with the possibility of it being sold whenever, I'm so over it and so allowed to bitch***

First Week Home

Tomorrow I will have one week at home with Ian under my belt. It has been a complete breeze. Things have gone so well I know that being a mom is my purpose. I have tried so many things and they just don't hold my interest or I fail miserably. But being a mom and wife is the one thing I know I can do. And I love doing it. Being someones mom and someones wife gives me gratification because I am needed. I have three people who depend on me. And I will not let them down. I learn something new everyday about Jocelyn and Ian, Jeff and myself. I have been so lucky to be blessed with two very even tempered children. I wasn't all that worried about how Jocelyn would adjust to a new life being in the house. I just mainly wanted to make sure she didn't feel left out or slighted in any way. I feel guilty because I had her switched to fulltime daycare about 3 weeks ago, since I was in so much pain it was all I could do just to sit on the floor and play for 10 minutes, let alone carry her down the stairs to go somewhere or even walk to her bedroom and back. But I know that she thoroughly enjoys the 3 other 2 year olds she has, Ziggy the dog, and all of the kitty's there too. In the spring I will have her cut back to either 3 days there or 2 days there, that way we can do playdates...take walks...go to lunch with Daddy...POTTY TRAIN...and prepare for pre-school. Gosh, that seems so weird. She can go to Jackson Christian's preschool in the fall. I am really excited to see how well she does. She is so social and she learns at such a fast pace, I know she will really enjoy it.

Ian Updates:
  • 6lb 10 oz almost back up to birth weight. (10%)
  • 19 1/2 inches long (50%)
  • Eats 2 oz every 2 - 2 1/2 hours during the day and 2 oz every 3 1/2 - 4 hours at night. And yes I have another child who, so far, sleeps through the night unless a #1 or #2 happens or mom wakes him up w/ her alarm clock.
  • I forgot how much newborns sleep. Well, I remember really...but it still amazes me that for the entire day/night I see his eyes maybe 1 hour in 10-15 min time frames.
  • His jaundice only lasted for one day because we did this for 30 minutes 3 times a day...
  • He is super chill/relax man. Set him up someplace and he's content. I really hope this continues because he is so enjoyable and let's anyone hold him.

Jocelyn Updates:

  • Last doctors visit- 26lbs and 33 inches tall (about 3 months ago)

  • Her hair is growing! It's starting to curl out behind her ears and it's really long on top and in the back. She got stuck with daddy's far back in some pictures she still looks pretty bald LOL

  • Listens really well and rarely sits in time-out.

  • Sleeps all night in her big girl bed with like 456843903 stuffed animals at the end...whom all have names. She'll tell you them all if you have the time.

  • Loves to read, color, play with playdoh, MainStreet Village town is a huge hit. And her Rose Petal Cottage...with babies, a washer, stove, and table. She's been playing pretend for a good 6 months now, but now she actually has a "house" to play house with.

  • Zaboomafoo, Barney, or Sesame Street is watched religiously every morning while eating breakfast.

  • Speaking of food, my child dislikes junk. Veggies-cold from the fridge please, fruit- whole apple, pear, banana, or strawberries are best, chicken, salad with dressing, mashed potatoes, etc. And she can put away some food for being so skinny!

  • She lines up her MegaBlocks in a row and counts them. So far we have correctly made it up to 13 a few times.

  • Can identify any letter of the alphabet, say the alphabet, sing Twinkle Twinkle and the Itsy Bitsy Spider by herself. (way cute)

  • Says please, thank you, excuse me, and bless the appropriate time.

  • Can hold full conversations with anyone who will talk to her. 5-6 word biggie.

  • Recognizes where she is in Jackson, if we are close to NayNay and Papa/Daddy's work...close to home...or close to my parents house or Jeff's mom's house aka The Farm.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Preggo Survey

1. Mommys Full Name: MacKenzie Leigh Smith

2. Age When Pregnant: 21- Jocelyn 23- Ian

3. Current Age: 24

4. How far along when you found out? about 6 weeks-Jocelyn and 3 or 4 weeks- Ian

5.Still with the father? We'll be married for 4 years in May

6. What was your first reaction when you found out you were pregnant? I was nervous but excited with both.

7. How did the father react? He was really nervous and secretly excited.

8. How did your parents feel about it? I think they were more excited than we were.

9. How did you feel about your first Ultrasound? I was ready to find out what we were having. And I was teary eyed the whole time.

10. What month did you find out the sex of the baby? August-Jocelyn September-Ian

11. Where you happy with the sex of the baby? Extremely. One of each is perfect!

12.What were your cravings? Outback sirloin, salads, any super sour candy-Jocelyn fruit, yogurt, Wendy's chicken nuggets, candy of any sort- Ian.

13. Did you exercise when you were pregnant? No I'm lazy.

14. How much weight did you gain? Egh. 57lb -Jocelyn due to complications 32lbs- Ian.

15. Did you get morning sickness? I had food poisoning when I was preggo with Jocelyn. And Ian made me feel like I was constantly on a boat, all tipsy like, but I never actually got sick. Another weird thing with Ian, my teeth hurt so bad in the morning from like 8am-10am that I couldn't even brush them, I'd have to wait until the afternoon. But right on the 3month mark, it stopped.

16. Did you enjoy wearing maternity clothes? I did when I was pregnant with Jocelyn because I was so swollen there was no way to fit into my old clothes. With Ian, I wore my regular clothes the entire time. I only bought one pair of maternity dress pants.

17. What books did you read? I read everything I could get my hands on with Jocelyn. And with Ian I just signed up for to see my babys growth and whatnot.

18. Did you attend any pregnancy classes? No.

19. Overall describe your pregnancy: With Jocelyn, my pregnancy was a breeze until about 31 weeks. Then the swelling set in and I couldn't lay down to sleep anymore. With Ian, I was very miserable. My hips hurt, I had contractions from like 28weeks on that were actually painful, and I just overall felt like crap.

20. How did you know you were in Labor? I was induced both times.

21. Did your water break? My OB broke it both times.

22. What were your contractions like? Well, when you're induced they start out slow but come on stronger once the pitocin is up around 12ish. With Jocelyn I didn't know what to expect so I was in a lot of pain early on. With Ian, the only reason I got my epidural when I did, was the anesthesiologist was coming for another girls so we didn't want him to leave and then not get him back in time. But Ian was posterior so at 6cm my epidural was no more because his butt was pressing on my spine. That was NOT fun.

23. How long were you in labor? 18hours with Jocelyn from the start of the pitocin 11 1/2 with Ian.

24. Epidural? Both times. Didn't help much with Ian...only for a few hours.

25. Who was in the delivery room with you? Jeff and a TON of special care people with Jocelyn. Then Jeff and nurses and Dr Farhat of course.

26. Was it an easy delivery? Jocelyn was 3 pushes and I think Ian was 6 pushes. He needed some WD-40 as Dr Farhat said to make it through. (He is such a smartass btw)

27. Did you cry during labor? With Jocelyn no. Ian- yes...I have never been in so much pain in my life.

29. Birth Date: 11/21/06 and 2/3/09

30. Time: 1:58 pm and 7:27 pm

31. Gender: Female and Male

32. Length: 18 inches and 19 inches

33. Weight: 4lb 2oz and 6lb 11oz

34. What was the first thing you said to your baby? I didn't say anything to Jocelyn because she was preemie I didn't even barely see her until that night. Ian- "OMG you have more hair than your sister!" lol

35. Who visited you in the hospital? Lots of family and friends both times.

36. Did you breastfeed? I tried and failed.

37. What was the first night being a parent like? Really strange because it was so calm since it was just me and visitors allowed. LOL

38. Did you get sleep? Sure did. My babies are well behaved. I have to set my alarm to feed Ian and I did with Jocelyn too.

39. When did you go home? 24 hours with both. I hate the hospital.

40. How old is your baby now? Jocelyn- 2yr 2months and Ian is 6 days old.

41. Still with the father? Forever and always.

42. Who does your baby look like now? Jocelyn looks just like Jeff. And Ian looks just like me when I was a baby.

43. Been Baptized? No.

44. Your baby's current Milestone? Jocelyn is about to potty train and Ian is learning how to eat like a champ.

45. What's your babies favorite thing to do? Jocelyn loves to read, color, dance, and play pretend in her Rose Petal Cottage. Ian likes to sleep.

46. What is babies favorite Toy? Jocelyn doesn't really have a favorite toy. I would have to say her sticker book. She likes that a lot.

47. What is it like being a parent? The best feeling in the world. I feel complete and like I have a purpose.

48. Ready for another one? No more.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

The new kid on the block

Jocelyn at 2 days old and then Ian like 5 minutes old. I think they resemble each other.

He's not a big fan of the

And here's one with the eyes open! ;)

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ian James is HERE!!!

As of 730pm, he is too cute (I'm biased of course)

6lb 11oz
19 inches
full head of dark brown hair
dark green eyes (for now)

and he looks just like Jocelyn, I think.

I'm doing great. Ready to get some sleep and definitely not feeling like I just had a baby 4 hours ago. I'll update pics when I get home on Thursday. :) Thanks for all the well wishes and good lucks, I really appreciate it.

Monday, February 2, 2009


Is the big day. Induction time. I have to call at 5am and if they have an open room I'm going in. Holy hell. The nerves are setting in. But I'm ready.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Preparing for Ian

Wow I am totally being a slacker. Go figure, this is the end of my first week with Jocelyn in daycare fulltime and I didn't blog once. I've been super busy running around last minute for things for Ian, paying bills ahead of time, filing our taxes, grocery shopping, etc. I am so ready for him to be here. I have prepared in every way possible. Besides coming to grips that Ian is going to be full term or only 1 week early and I'm kinda nervous about having most likely around a 7lb baby vs. a 4 lb baby. I know I can do it, women have 9 and 10lb babies, but seriously I'm still nervous. And being induced vs. most likely going into labor on my own is a whole new experience also. Everything happens twice as fast supposedly with the second child...but that still means I have 9 hours of labor to get to the hospital and have an epidural. LOL Oh BTW how come nobody told me that Braxton Hicks contractions can last all day and be 5 minutes apart and painful? Oh my dear lord. The other day was pretty hellatious here in the Smith Household.

It went as follows: I had contractions all day starting around 3am about 20 mins apart-uncomfortable enough to wake me up from a dead sleep.

Around 12pm they were about 5-10 minutes apart-some huuuuuurt and some were just annoying.

12pm-6pm they were every 3-5 minutes and quite painful but still only a 4 or 5 on the pain scale. The entire time Jeff is like "Just go in, the worse they can do is send you home." My answer, "My fat ass isn't moving off the couch til my water breaks. Screw L&D."

I decided if they got stronger I would go in obviously but I really really really didn't want to sit up there w/ false labor for 2 hours when I could be at home.
7pm - I'm going to eat dinner and drink a crap ton of water and rest. If they don't stop I'll go. Didn't stop.
8pm- I'm going to take a long shower (I don't do bath's) and if they don't stop I'll go in. Didn't stop.
9pm- I'm going to try to fall asleep and if I do I'm not going in. 3am-9pm of contractions did me in and I slept like a baby because I was so exhausted.

All I have to say is I give you girls big props for making it to full-term. 38 weeks is so different than just going to 34 weeks. I had it way too easy the first time. Well, enough baby making talk.

I'm really excited for next Sunday. Yay Superbowl! My friend, Jaime, and I have decided to spoil our men with our fantastic cooking abilities along with about 10 other guys that are invited over to her boyfriends house. I really like entertaining people and barely ever get to do it. Screw the game...I just wanna make food, clean, and setup for the party. If Ian arrives before Sunday, he'll be sporting a handmade puffy paint Steelers onsie...and if not I told Jeff I was going to paint my belly along with my face in Steelers colors just to embarrass the shit outta him. HAHA I'm kidding on that though. It would be priceless to see his reaction but I don't think I can muster up the courage to let Ian's home hang out, painted and all, for everyone to see.

A bit of drama on the workfront...since I don't work at all for these next two dad has requested that I am left at home without a vehicle. Reason: The business is very bad and my Durango is old (aka been on the lot for too long) so Jeff has to drive it in everyday and if I want to run errands I have to get up, get ready, get Jocelyn ready, and go in at 9am. Then if he wants to come home for lunch, pick him up...then get out at 530 to get him from work...then get Jocelyn...then come home. I really don't see the point of not letting me keep the Durango at home. It's gone all day with me anyway. Granted I don't run errands every day but still...the whole reason behind me stopping work (besides the fact my legs swell so bad sitting in my desk chair) was to ELIMINATE running around. And stress. And worry of OMG am I going to be late getting Jocelyn? Where is my appointment today? It's rediculous. We don't have the money to go out and buy a vehicle. And my dad has this brilliant idea of OUR TAX REFUND MONEY buying me a beater car (I'm talking like a 93 Toyota with 1xx,xxx miles, pray to God everytime you try to start it). WTF. So, Jeff and I are left with only 1 car until we figure out something. Thank God we are both in good standing with CP Federal and they are starting a car leasing program. Basically, instead of having a loan on a 9k would have payments for 24 months on the difference between CP's trade in value on the car say it was 5K and the asking price at my dad's dealership...9K. So you would have a 4K loan payment vs. a 9k loan payment. Then at the end of 24 months you would either give the car back or have the option to buy it outright. CP is sending someone over this week to explain and set it up. Jeff and I are thinking we'll be the first to try it out. And if I have my own car that means I can find a job elsewhere (like a big car dealership) where I would be making what I deserve in Payroll/Accounts Receivable (around 17-22 an hr vs 10) with benefits/401k/vacation time. I've been offered a few jobs but since I'm pregnant I've turned them down. Plus I have 6 months still left of my "maternity leave" at the why not use it up? :)

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Strike a pose, baby!

A pretty funny picture to share. Jocelyn has learned that she can pose for the camera. Usually it's a smile and "cheeeeese" but this one was "Momma, I'm gonna scrunch my nose!" LOL (Oh, and don't worry, Jocelyn does have other clothes...she just loves that sweatsuit NayNay and PaPa got her)

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Big sister and her newly decorated room

Making sure her babies are safe and fed well. She is so excited to be a big sister/little momma.
Jocelyn's side of the room...under the sea :)
Milk jug fish...not reccomended with acrylic paint. That was a good 4 coats. I think I'll try something that sprays next time.
Yarn octupus.
And all her fish. The wood ones are from JoAnn's and the foam ones/seaweed are made.
Ian's side of the room.

I live at the hospital...

Or so it feels like. Update today: my blood pressure is still high. But down from yesterday. My legs look like tree trunks and I'm spilling some protein. "But not enough to be worried about",according to Dr. Farhat. But it was enough to go in for a NST. Which Ian and I passed with flying colors b/c he is a super active baby and loooooves to raise his heart rate up. I was done in like 10 minutes. Go figure all last night I was having crazy contractions (damn those 36 week cultures) and then at the hospital today I didn't have one even blip of a Braxton Hicks while I was there. haha. Anyway, I get to go back to see Dr. Farhat tomorrow afternoon for one more blood pressure check and protein check.

I've gotta say, I'm quite fed up with this whole on a daily basis waiting game, go to Allegiance (which BTW HAS NO PARKING WHATSOEVER), then come back home to just go back again the next day. Either let me wait at home in peace or induce me already. Sheesh. 36 weeks and 4 days is plenty long enough to cook my child. NICU babies just sleep all the time when they come home. Believe me, another angel like Jocelyn would be greatly appreciated on my behalf. :)

P.S. Jeff painted her room and I hung her fishies up. So I will take pictures tonight when I get home and post them up.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


I went to see Dr. Farhat today. My blood pressure was high, I gained 5 lbs in one week, and I'm seeing spots so....get to go in tomorrow and if my blood pressure is still high I will be induced. Ah, nice and nervous.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Me: "C'mon Jocelyn, it's time for bed. Let's get our jammies on."

Joss: "Hold on one second, momma. I'm doing my hair."

She walked over to her vanity, combed what little hair she has while looking longingly into her mirror, then walked into her room and climbed in bed.

She is so my child. :)

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I need help finding my mind...

I've completely lost it. My class at Baker starts tomorrow. Please send good vibes my way, I always get really nervous before they start for some reason. It's not like it's anything hard, just ENG102, but I have a feeling we will be writing and writing and writing some more. And I'm very pregnant. Plus it doesn't end until after Ian will be born. That is why I said "I've lost my mind." As if I won't be busy enough giving birth and having a 2 year old and a newborn. Let's tack on a college course!

In other news, here is my OB appointment update. My blood work is normal. I gained a pound this week. My feet are swollen. Ian is a very healthy boy, bpm is 151 and he is always on the move. Oh and my belly is large, go figure.

Today I went to Penney's and had my hair cut. I haven't had a haircut in like 9 months so it was all grown out in a weird way. It's nice to have it back in a style, on an angle and layered like usual. I think I will try something more daring after I have Ian. But right now my face is slightly chubbier than usual so I don't want a face faming/shorter cut and be all weepy because my "face looks fat" (I know everyone is laughing and nodding in agreement of how you've been in my situation too, haha)

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

"I really hope you don't feel ALL of those contractions"

I guess I'm joining the crowd of Wednesday OB appointments. 36 week appointment will be tomorrow at 1130. I feel like I have been having contractions for a million years but really it's only been since Christmas Eve that they have really been bothering me. I completely understand, this is my second child. I will have Braxton Hicks contractions. They don't hurt. These ones make me sit down if I'm standing. They aren't enough to go up to L and D, obviously, but on the other hand they hurrrrrrrt. I'm also pretty sure everyone who reads this knows how many tattoos I have and how big they are. I have a very high pain tolerance. So I am no bitch that whines with the best of them when the baby just moves slightly to the right.

There are so many people I know that are pregnant or just had a baby within the last 6-8 months. Can anyone tell me if there is anything I can do about my hips hurting? I'm not talking a small ache...I'm talking I can't get off the couch without very slow moving help. Wearing pants hurts. Weird, I know. Getting out of bed is awful. And don't even tell me to squat, lift up a leg to get it into my pants, or anything of hip spreading nature because you will promptly get my middle finger. LOL Tylenol has been my best friend for 3 weeks. Even that doesn't help anymore. I'm going to ask Dr. Farhat tomorrow what I can do but I really don't like asking him anything. He makes me feel like one of those "Complain about everything" preggo girls that he just rolls his eyes at. Is that his demeanor or am I really emotional? haha. I would probably guess a bit of both. Anyway, I called his office today because I had two days of light spotting and some pretty wicked contractions along with it. I asked to speak to Lisa, his nurse, but the appointment setter asked my symptoms and told me GO TO L&D NOW. Wtf. I then called up there and asked if I really had to come...guess if your OB's office staff tells you yes, the nurses can't tell you no. Needless to say I spend 2 hours up there today, hanging out with Beth my nurse. She ever so nicely asked me if I was feeling all the contractions I was having. She was probably scared I may bite her head off at that question. Yes, I feel about 98% of them. Hence the reason my body hurts so bad. But I guess anybody's would if they were having 25 second contractions every 15-20 minutes all day. She told me I was a trooper, which made my trip to Allegiance worth it. (Said very sarcastically)

So......bust out the drum roll please.....Jeff and MacKenzie have decided on a name. This name will be used as long as our little dude looks like the one we chose. If not, we have a back up that we like almost as much. Ian James Smith you will be evicted ~with love~ in 30 days at the latest. Your momma would really like you to come soon because she can't WAIT to have a snuggly baby, a loving big sister, her cute shirts she bought at Birch Run, stilettos, Buckle Jeans, the tanner, and the gym membership her husband is oh-so-lovingly getting for her ASAP.

Monday, January 5, 2009

36 Weeks on Thursday

I can't believe how fast this pregnancy has gone. When I first found out I was pregnant and saw Dr. Farhat for the first time, he told me that he was "shooting for" 36 weeks. That's in 3 days. OMG. I have my 36 week appointment on Wednesday so we'll see what he says. I think the 36 week mark was because I had Jocelyn at 34 weeks and he felt the baby would be quite healthy if I needed to be induced at 36 weeks.

Anyway, he pretty much has me on lock down. I have been seeing him every week since 32 weeks. And I have a weekly blood work session with my favorite ladies at the Diagnostic Center on Spring Arbor Road. So far I haven't had any signs of pre-eclampsia, isn't that strange? I was so swollen and so sick with Jocelyn that I thought for sure this baby was gonna be the same way and I would wake up every morning, check my feet and hands for swelling, step on the scale for a rapid weight gain...but none of it happened. Thank God.

Right now I'm at 135lbs up from 115lbs pre-pregnancy weight. I am all baby, booty, and boobs. LOL I have constant baby feet in my ribs to the point where my ribs are sore 24/7 and he has dropped so my hips hurt just as bad. Other than those two little whines and just feeling overall stuffed to the maximum capacity, I'm doing quite well.

My last day at work was on Friday. It's nice to have a reason to not be there now. Everyone is hurting for money, especially my parents, and that makes people very very unpleasant to see all day long. Work used to be my sanity, don't get me wrong I love being at home with Jocelyn but when you aren't allowed to pick up more than 10lbs, can't get on the floor because if you do manage it you're stuck there, and can't drive because you're down to one car for the family....staying at home sucks. Going to work and having my lunch hour to do whatever/go eat with Jeff and just normal adult conversations was really nice. Now, not so much.

All you out there in blogland, I'm always game to hang out. "Errands" to Target? Sitting at home watching Sprout TV? Let me know! I'll gladly join. I'm very skilled at organizing, decorating, or just doing nothing! Haha So on that note I will leave you with a picture of my cutie pie. And one of my plump self. KIDDING!


I vow to consistantly blog this year. I can do it. I know I can. I just get discouraged sometimes reading everyone else's blogs and saying "Wow that was really awesome. My life sounds so boring when I post on my blog." But it's not going to get me down this time. I know once the still nameless baby boy gets here I will be posting pictures and little things that are happening.

I tried my share of scrapbooking, if I had endless amounts of money for it and took better than normal pictures I'm sure I would be more gun-ho. But I don't....and I'm not. I was thinking about getting one of the leather bound photo books done at Meijer. My friend did one for his tattoo work portfolio and they are really nice looking. Then for each picture if I wanted to write a comment or something I could. Because Lord knows I have a million pictures on my computer of Jocelyn and having them in book form would be really nice....just not nice enough to scrapbook myself.

So, I'm making blogging my hobby. Along with working out as SOON as I'm allowed. Now I just need to make an effort to become more than acquaintances with girls that I know, go on "dates" again with Jeff (movies at home don't count anymore!), and get Jocelyn potty trained. That will make 2009 a great year.


Here are before pictures of Jocelyn/the baby's room. On Thursday, Jeff is buying paint from Sherwin Williams. We're going with a blue called Notable Hue. Jocelyn's part of the room will be an underwater theme. She is in love with fish and sea horses. And the blue matches one of the polka dots in the baby's bedding also.
So far I've completed a few projects for Jocelyn's decor. She has her wooden letters for her name, which will be above her bed after we paint. I've also made a yarn octupus, two actually and her tie comforter. The busier I stay the less I realize how uncomfortably pregnant I am! :)
I'm pretty sure we will be painting this weekend...or should I say Jeff will be painting and I will be supervising then I will have after pictures to show the finished project! I'm excited.