Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Import, please.

We need our "own" car. Like right now. Please. I realized this about a month ago, when 3 of my demo's got sold out from under me. Right in a row. In turn, pissing me the F off with a quickness. So, I had to switch over all my stuff and get adjusted to how a different car drives, which takes longer than a few days. These cars were nothing alike either. I went from a Rendezvous, to a jacked up Durango (hilarious to watch very pregnant 5 foot tall girl jump into a beefed up SUV), to a Grand Am. Egh. All in like 40 feet of snow that we got in December and January. I'm trying to be patient. But I'm coming to the end of my patience. Right now I'm driving a 2005 Malibu Maxx aka hatchback. My little family took a trip to Meijer in it. Infant Seat---6 inches max between---Toddler seat---stroller took up whole trunk---groceries had to sit on top of the hatch and on the floor behind our seats AND on my lap. LOL How do people with little cars do this whole having kids thing? And could you imagine me doing that Meijer trip alone? We didn't even get a weeks worth. We got like $100 of groceries/formula/diapers/stuff for Ian/bath toys for Jocelyn. So, it was maybe $30 food. Like I said, we need our own car. I have Jeff looking at Flint Auto Auction and Parma Auction every week. Cross our fingers we can do CPFCU leasing program. If not, maybe my dad can get a good buy on a nice sedan/XUV and let me drive it for oh....6 months of uninterrupted driving would be nice. Ah, I feel better. Enough bitching.

***Yes, I realize I have it made with a free car and all. But put yourself in my shoes, after 9 years of driving a car that isn't mine with the possibility of it being sold whenever, I'm so over it and so allowed to bitch***

1 comment:

AshleyB said...

Yuck. It's so tough getting used to a different car, especially if it's not something you picked and *really* want for yourself. Try a Cadillac! You'll be able to fit your whole apartment in there. LOL