Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Ian James is HERE!!!

As of 730pm, he is too cute (I'm biased of course)

6lb 11oz
19 inches
full head of dark brown hair
dark green eyes (for now)

and he looks just like Jocelyn, I think.

I'm doing great. Ready to get some sleep and definitely not feeling like I just had a baby 4 hours ago. I'll update pics when I get home on Thursday. :) Thanks for all the well wishes and good lucks, I really appreciate it.


Leslie Collins said...

Congrats!!! I have been thinking about you. Can't wait to see pic's.

jane said...


LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Congrats MacKenzie! Hope it was a good delivery for you. You'll have to fill us in on the day details later. :) Take care of yourself and the little guy. Can't wait to see pictures of you guys!

Emilie said...

CONGRATS! Can't wait to see pictures!! Glad you're doing well.

AshleyB said...

Hope you are still feeling well. I can't wait to see pictures! OK, I can wait, but I don't want to. haha. You just take care of yourself lady! :)