Tomorrow I will have one week at home with Ian under my belt. It has been a complete breeze. Things have gone so well I know that being a mom is my purpose. I have tried so many things and they just don't hold my interest or I fail miserably. But being a mom and wife is the one thing I know I can do. And I love doing it. Being someones mom and someones wife gives me gratification because I am needed. I have three people who depend on me. And I will not let them down. I learn something new everyday about Jocelyn and Ian, Jeff and myself. I have been so lucky to be blessed with two very even tempered children. I wasn't all that worried about how Jocelyn would adjust to a new life being in the house. I just mainly wanted to make sure she didn't feel left out or slighted in any way. I feel guilty because I had her switched to fulltime daycare about 3 weeks ago, since I was in so much pain it was all I could do just to sit on the floor and play for 10 minutes, let alone carry her down the stairs to go somewhere or even walk to her bedroom and back. But I know that she thoroughly enjoys the 3 other 2 year olds she has, Ziggy the dog, and all of the kitty's there too. In the spring I will have her cut back to either 3 days there or 2 days there, that way we can do playdates...take walks...go to lunch with Daddy...POTTY TRAIN...and prepare for pre-school. Gosh, that seems so weird. She can go to Jackson Christian's preschool in the fall. I am really excited to see how well she does. She is so social and she learns at such a fast pace, I know she will really enjoy it.
Ian Updates:
- 6lb 10 oz almost back up to birth weight. (10%)
- 19 1/2 inches long (50%)
- Eats 2 oz every 2 - 2 1/2 hours during the day and 2 oz every 3 1/2 - 4 hours at night. And yes I have another child who, so far, sleeps through the night unless a #1 or #2 happens or mom wakes him up w/ her alarm clock.
- I forgot how much newborns sleep. Well, I remember really...but it still amazes me that for the entire day/night I see his eyes maybe 1 hour in 10-15 min time frames.
- His jaundice only lasted for one day because we did this for 30 minutes 3 times a day...
- He is super chill/relax man. Set him up someplace and he's content. I really hope this continues because he is so enjoyable and let's anyone hold him.
Jocelyn Updates:
- Last doctors visit- 26lbs and 33 inches tall (about 3 months ago)
- Her hair is growing! It's starting to curl out behind her ears and it's really long on top and in the back. She got stuck with daddy's far back in some pictures she still looks pretty bald LOL
- Listens really well and rarely sits in time-out.
- Sleeps all night in her big girl bed with like 456843903 stuffed animals at the end...whom all have names. She'll tell you them all if you have the time.
- Loves to read, color, play with playdoh, MainStreet Village town is a huge hit. And her Rose Petal Cottage...with babies, a washer, stove, and table. She's been playing pretend for a good 6 months now, but now she actually has a "house" to play house with.
- Zaboomafoo, Barney, or Sesame Street is watched religiously every morning while eating breakfast.
- Speaking of food, my child dislikes junk. Veggies-cold from the fridge please, fruit- whole apple, pear, banana, or strawberries are best, chicken, salad with dressing, mashed potatoes, etc. And she can put away some food for being so skinny!
- She lines up her MegaBlocks in a row and counts them. So far we have correctly made it up to 13 a few times.
- Can identify any letter of the alphabet, say the alphabet, sing Twinkle Twinkle and the Itsy Bitsy Spider by herself. (way cute)
- Says please, thank you, excuse me, and bless the appropriate time.
- Can hold full conversations with anyone who will talk to her. 5-6 word biggie.
- Recognizes where she is in Jackson, if we are close to NayNay and Papa/Daddy's work...close to home...or close to my parents house or Jeff's mom's house aka The Farm.
What a cutie. I am curious to know how it is with both kids in the same room. If we don't sell our house, we will be in the same boat this August. Is it hard? Does one wake the other up ever?
ohhh I just love pics of new babies sleeping. :)
I am so ready for summer, and playdates, and OUTDOORS too!
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