Thursday, September 25, 2008


Alot of things have changed since the last time I was documenting my oh-so-exciting life. We have moved into a house vs. that dreaded condo (old people for neighbors, never a good idea unless you want "grandparent privacy" aka NONE) It's a totally redone house, with a yard and a huge garage for my car guy. I'm pretty happy with it. I know my neighbor quite well, we were in Foote's partial day program together and are both totally new people now because of it. We've only had a few problems since we moved in...spiders, eek. A couple power outages that led to surges...has anybody experienced a power surge? OMG, they are so crazy. I thought my refridgerator was possessed. And my biggest problem of all is I, Miss Interior Decorator, am at a loss when it comes to decorating/painting my own home. So I'm sure there will be a decorating post to come in the near future because my white walls are

Another big update is.....I'm pregnant! Pretty much everyone knows this already but what you don't know is...IT'S A BOY! Jeff is very excited to say the least. I am at 21 weeks as of today. Gained about 9lbs, the baby is healthy, and I have no signs of pre-eclampsia so far. So keep your fingers crossed...this boy isn't comin' til his duedate! No more 6 weeks early babies....please. So far we have thought of the name Parker James for him, but no PJ. Only Parker. James is Jeff's middle name and his grandpa's first name, who passed away when Jeff was younger but he was very influential on his life for the short time he was around.

On top of being pregnant, I'm also a full-time student at Baker College. This is my second semester towards my Accounting degree. I'm taking two online classes and 1 on-site class. I really dislike online classes because they move so quickly, but I would rather have two classes done on Nov. 5th then possibly go into labor while sitting in class in late December. How embarrassing. I've gone down from working 5 days to 3 days a week. Just Wed-Fri. I've also found a fantastic in-home daycare for Jocelyn. She absolutely loves it. She is there with 3 other 2 year olds, the care-givers 9 yr old son, 11 yr old daughter, 3 kitties, and a really lovable doggie. Jocelyn is a total animal lover. She is 22 months old and a spittin' image of her daddy, but with my spitfire attitude.
~Right now she is in the 10th percentile for her weight/height...what can I say...I'm only 5 feet tall!
~Taking one 3-4 hour nap a day.
~Just got moved into her BIG GIRL bed! She loved it the first night...smoothest transition I have ever done with her.
~Loves animals, knows NayNay and Papa's dog's name is Lady and her daycare dog is Ziggy. She also loves animal noises and knows a ton. Drawing with markers and sidewalk chalk is fun too. And of course, reading is her all-time favorite.
~We have some small sentence talking going on...."Where's my pac?" "Be nice to the dog." "I want a snack" and my favorite of them all "I have to poop on the potty." Which phonetically sounds like "I have ta poohnin da poooooootty." LOL So funny. I think it's hilarious that she talks so well, because she looks so young still. She's tall and thin, in 18-24 month clothes, and just sprouting some hair other than her "hawk".
~HUGE "Melmo" fan or just Sesame Street
~Jocelyn also loves anything in food form. She will eat it all. Green beans, tomatos, cheese cubes, and fruit snacks are a few of her favorites.

Update completed....for now :)


LeeAnn | {froggyleggs} said...

Thats awesome that she is in a big girl bed!! I can't believe she is getting so big! What a good eater. Hope she keeps that up for you too. Lukas is so picky and its hard to get him to eat. I swear, I dont know how that kid survives!!

Leslie Collins said...

Welcome back to blogging!!! Glad to have you back.

Congrats on the baby boy. How exciting. I bet Jeff was thrilled.

Hope to see you guys soon. We should get the girls together. They would have a blast.

You will have to give me your secret on the smooth transition from crib to bed. I dread the day.