Monday, April 13, 2009

2 Months Old

Time sure is flying...but maybe that is because everything is going so smoothly! Today Joss, Ian, and I went to see Dr. Williams. I talked Jocelyn up the entire morning and gave her a pep talk on the way there. She is VERY protective of Ian. People she doesn't deem "worthy" of holding Ian get the "NO! DONT TOUCH HIM! He's MYYYY Brother!" I had a feeling that was how our morning was going to start. But surprise surprise...she let Dr. Williams get all of Ian's stats and she only wimpered when Ian had to get 3 shots. I thought I would have to remove her out of the room because she HATES seeing Ian cry. So far at 2 months Ian is:
21" long
11.2 lbs
with a normal sized head (Thank GOD)
holding his head steady
smiling and cooing a ton
sleeping through the night (with one 5am feeding) and most of the day still (usually up for an hour at a time a few times during the day)
eating 6-8oz every 4-6 hours.