Sunday, March 8, 2009


Jocelyn ADORES Ian. She has gone from just being curious to whole hearted love for him. It is so cute. Two nights ago Ian woke up at midnight for his feeding. And he goes from sleeping sound to screaming in about 2 minutes. So there is no way to change him, make his bottle, and get it inserted into mouth before he starts crying. As I'm sitting in our room feeding him, I saw a head peek through the door. Jocelyn came in, Ian's pacifier in hand, to "make him happy".

She has now asked to hold him. And she feeds him usually once a day. By herself. She'll peel my fingers off the bottle, demand to hold him, then watches tv while feeding like I it's no big deal for a 2 year old to feed a 1 month old. She is so independent. My little preemie baby is growing up so fast. I'm glad to have Ian otherwise I'd have the baby itch too!

One funny thing she did this morning: Ian is laying on the floor and Jocelyn lays beside him on a blanket which she calls "the beach". She was carrying on a full conversation with Ian while holding his hand.

And she goes "Ian, baby, I love you." Then gives him a kiss and informs me she gave baby Ian "a piss" LOL!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


Are 1 month old children supposed to be able to roll back to stomach and stomach to back?

Ian's rolled over about 6 times in the last few weeks. The first time was on the couch, so he was kind of on an incline which would make it easier to roll. But today he was on his belly playing..aka staring at his toys...and all of a sudden I realized he was off his blanket and on his back.

A few times he gets frustrated and starts fussing, flails his legs, and rolls over. But today he was perfectly calm. Isn't that odd?

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I'm starting exercising this week more than I was exercising last week. And I'm going to stop putting my eating habits on the back burner to Jocelyn's. I find myself, when I grocery shop, getting everything that Jocelyn wants/needs then just getting whatever for me. My whatever usually includes fruit snacks, chips, mac n cheese, etc. Easy stuff. Ya know...easy to get in your mouth and hell to get off your body weight wise. I buy all fresh fruit, veggies, lunch meat, cheese, etc. for Jocelyn. I like all the same things as she does but I "feel bad" if I eat "her" apples...or "her" tomato slices. I'm going to just start buying double. And putting her food in a section of the fridge that way I know what is hers and what is mine to eat. I'm sure it sounds kinda dumb but I can't put myself before her. I'd rather suffer eating junk than see her eating a crapload of chips and cookies. Eating junk was a lot easier when I was pregnant because I was supposed to gain weight. Now I'm exercising 3 days a week and still gaining weight while trying to watch what I eat. But if I eat healthy I won't eat at all because I don't have healthy food for myself.

So here is my plan: Monday and Tuesday
I will be doing ---
100 reverse crunches
100 jumping jacks
100 leg beats
50 lunges each leg
50 leg lifts each leg
100 sidebends

Wednesday Thursday and Friday
I will be doing---
30 minutes to an hour long brisk walk around the neighborhood.

The reason I'm blogging this besides accountability on my behalf is I'm looking for a partner. A mom. Who can make time to work out even on a schedule. Someone I can count on, on certain days to be ready to walk. Or go to the gym. I used to exercise with my sister when she was at Spring Arbor because she could get me into the gym for free. Now she is at U of M so I'm SOL. I can exercise by myself but it would be nice to have someone to talk to while walking. My biggest issue is Jeff weight trains at Planet Fitness on Mon/Wed/Fri night around 8pm after Jocelyn goes to bed. My workout buddy before my sister was Jimmy. And he is now Jeff's workout buddy since he needs a spotter more than I need someone telling me to run for 10 more minutes.

So here is my schedule: Going to Planet Fitness ($10 a month btw) or an exercise class would have to be Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday/Sunday during the week it would have to be after 6pm weekend could be any time.

Walking would be Wed/Thurs/Fri during the day anytime.

Going to the gym T and Th night then walking the rest of the week would be ideal.